How To

How to Grow Pole Green Beans in a Container

Green Beans are a favorite crop to grow in almost any vegetable garden. They are easy to germinate, easy to grow, and taste great. Pole beans can be easily grown in a container as well. Here is a step-by-step how to:

1. Fill large container 80% full with high quality soil.

2. Wet soil until all soil is damp

3. Sow each seed 5-8” apart

4. After germination put bamboo stakes (or other material) stakes inside container

5. Allow to grow up stakes

6. When plant starts to bloom fertilize with 10-20-10 fertilizer

7. Harvest often

1. Fill large container 80% full with high quality soil.

Pick a wide container; it does not have to be very deep, as green beans do not send out deep roots. They like a fertile well-drained soil. When planting in a container it is good to use a mixture of compost, peat moss and vermiculite in even quantities. If you are using soil from your existing garden make sure not to use soil that that has recently had beans, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage or lettuce planted in it.

2. Wet soil until all soil is damp

While beans germinate quite easily, they do require a fair amount of moisture to do so. Making sure the soil is evenly damp throughout will encourage faster germination. Keep soil evenly damp until germination. The damp soil will soften the seed shell and encourage the seed to germinate quicker.

3. Sow each seed 5-8” apart

Each seed should be sown about 5-8” apart. This will give them enough space to spread out their roots. The vines are not very wide, but ample room should be provided for the roots to spread.

4. After germination put bamboo stakes (or other material) stakes inside container

Once the seeds have germinated the plants will grow fairly rapidly. Pole beans will need something to climb so it is time to put bamboo stakes next to each seedling. These stakes should be about 5-6’ tall. Very smooth surfaces do not work as well as wooden, the pole bean vines attach better to a surface that is a little bit rougher.

5. Allow to grow up stakes

The plants should naturally find the stakes and start to grow up them. From time to time the plants will require some training. Simply take the plant that cannot find its stake and gently wrap it around it once or twice. In a day or so it should be growing right up it!

6. When plant starts to bloom fertilize with 10-20-10 fertilizer

Once the plant starts to bloom it will start to suck up more and more nutrients. Fertilize the plant with a high quality 10-20-10 fertilizer according to the fertilizers directions. Continue to do so, at the frequency recommended by the fertilizer bag, until the growing season is over. Pole beans will continue to grow all season, so make sure that the bamboo stakes are tall enough to allow the plants to continue to grow!

7. Harvest often

Green Beans are ready for harvest once they are about the width of a pencil. Harvesting green beans often will cause the plant to set even more fruit, and pole beans will continue to produce until weather shuts them down. So harvest often!

8. Eat and Enjoy

Helpful Recipe: How to Cook Fresh Green Beans

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