
Tuesdays Simple Tips – 8/18/09

1. Keep up with harvest. – Summer can be a productive time for many crops. Most crops will continue to produce late into the fall as long as they are harvested often. If the crops are not harvested the plants will stop growing and producing!

2. Keep up with weeding – Most weeds thrive in the heat of the summer and can quickly take over a garden if not pulled often. Weeds that are allowed to go to seed will only spread faster, so it is important to pull all weeds before they bolt to seed!

3. Aphid Control – Aphids are another problem that only intensifies in the summer. Aphids will multiply quickly this time of year and can be difficult to control if allowed to breed freely. Lady Bugs are a welcome aphid control this time of year, but there is a lack of Lady Bugs use an organic oil to control them.

4.Water early – The heat of the summer will cause water to evaporate before it can reach the roots of a plant. Watering early in the day allows the water to penetrate the soil before the heat evaporates it off. Do not water a night! Watering a night can cause massive fungal and bacterial blooms.

5. Maintain Mulch – Mulch helps maintain moisture in the soil, a very important task in the heat of summer. But the heat of summer also helps break the mulch down faster. It is important to keep an eye on all mulch and replace or top off any mulch that is starting to decompose rapidly.

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