
Editors Blog – 11/25 is growing and there are a few announcements that I would like to share. We have a few articles that I would like to highlight and a few new things coming in the near futures that I would like to announce!


  • Editors Blog
    • I plan on posting an editors blog at least once a month.  In these blogs I will highlight new content, highlight some popular content, and discuss upcoming content and changes.
  • NPK – Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium Explained
    • One of the biggest obstacles to overcome for a new gardener and a topic that is a mystery to even some seasoned gardeners is NPK.  NPK is the ratio of macro nutrients found in fertilizers, and this article dives deep into understanding it!
  • Make Hot Peppers Hotter
    • This is one of our most popular articles.  For anybody looking to grow super hot peppers, this article will teach you how to make them even hotter!

Coming Soon

  • Gardening for Beginners
    • will be creating a section of our website that will be dedicated to beginners.  This section will be very useful to those who are new to growing their own food as well as a good reference for those who have been doing it for a while!
  • Herb Gardening
    • We will also be adding a section to the website dedicated to growing herbs.  Herbs are one of the most popular types of crops that are grown in home gardens, and it is about time we start to talk about them more often here!

Well, that is all for now.  This is the first in the Editors Blog series, but there will be many more to come!