
Basil – An Herb with Verity

Basil Verities

Basil is one of the most commonly used herbs in the kitchen and is also one of the most commonly grown herbs. There are many varieties of Basil that can be grown in the home garden and here are a few:

  • Sweet Basil – The most common basil found in the garden and cooking. Has large leaves that are sweet and have a slight clove smell when fresh.
  • Thai Basil – Used frequently in Thai and Vietnamese dishes this basil has smaller leaves and is a bit stronger in flavor.
  • Cinnamon Basil – Containing Cinnamate, a chemical also found in Cinnamon, Cinnamon basil has a strong cinnamon smell with a slight flavor. This basil has purple flowers.
  • Purple Basil – With a very similar taste to Sweet Basil, Purple Basil has deep purple leaves. The purple in the leaves leaches out during cooking or steeping and can ad color and flavor to many dishes.
  • Lemon Basil – Contains Citral and Limonene that gives this basil a strong lemon smell and sweeter flavor. A favorite in seafood dishes.

There are many more verities that are grown around the world. These are just a few of the more popular!

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