
Photography Friday 11/06/09

I have been a bit busy lately and haven’t had much time to do updates here at so I am going to combine an update with photography Friday here!

This fall has been unseasonably warm here in Central Florida. There have been a few record-breaking days in October and some things in the garden have loved it, some have not!

The tomatoes are loving the mildly warm temperatures here. The plants have exploded in size and are starting to set a ton of fruit!

Early Bush Growing Strong

Early Bush setting more fruit

Last winters extreme cold for Central Florida took a toll on my pineapple patch (I know it is small and crowded) but they are finally starting to make a come back!

The broccoli that I planted in anticipation of the fall cooler temperatures seems to be okay with the somewhat warmer fall that we are having and is growing well!


Now on to what is not doing well!

I planted some Romaine Lettuce and the warm weather has caused it to bolt before it even stated to produce.

Romaine Lettuce Starting to Bolt

The basil that I have outside has pretty much stopped growing and starting to look a little sad so I decided to let it go to seed. I will be harvesting this seed and using it for a mixed herb garden in the spring.

Basil Bolting to Seed

My lemon tree seems to have invited some pests over for lunch!


That’s all for now!

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