
My New Raised Bed Garden

Living in Central Florida it is almost essential to grow all of my vegetables in a raised bed. The soil here is very sandy and holds very little nutrients. Amending the soil here only works in the short term as all the nutrients will, in sort time, leach out and be washed away with rain.

The solution to this problem is to grow vegetable in raised beds. The raised beds allow high quality soil to be held in one area and help reduce the amount of nutrients leached out!

So I have built my largest raised bed to date! It is aproximatly 8’ x 4’. Currently I have strawberries lining about half of the garden in the cinder block holes. Once I have enough compost and soil to fill the holes they strawberries will be taken out of the pots and put directly into the soil/compost mix.

The bed is about half full right now with a mix of lower quality soil and compost. I have planted many type of legumes in hopes of fixing some nitrogen into the soil before I cover it up with a higher quality soil/compost mix!

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