
The Return of the Pickle Worm

The “cold” season here in Central Florida has come to an end, and with it so has the season for growing cucumbers and Zucchini.  The end of the growing season for these crops is not because of the heat, but because of the arrival of the Pickle Worm.


Over the years I have struggled to find a method to stop the pickle worm from destroying my Zucchini, and some methods have had limited success and others have been quite a failure.  I have found it is best to grow as many zucchini as I can before the worms arrive and not fight a battle with them once they are here.

So what is a Pickle Worm?

Learn about them here:  Pickle Worms – A Curcubirt Nightmare

That is an informational post I did about 2 years ago.  Since then I have tried a few new methods of control, but I have learned that I should have taken my own advice (see above post )!

This was a blog post by: Dan Hagan – Editor in Chief