Why Advertise on Zone9Garden.com?

  • We have a very targeted audience that is loyal and looking for information about fruit and vegetable gardening.
  •  Our forum is active and growing, allowing maximum exposure to every ad on our site.
  • Our readers are loyal and return often.


We are currently offering 7 different advertising opportunities, with prices based on ad position.

Zone A – 468×60 banner in the header of the site. This ad will be displayed on every page of this site. $25.00 / Month

Zone B  – 300×250 square banner on the top of the right side bar. This position historically has the most click troughs as well as the most exposure for brand awareness. This ad will appear on every page of the site except on the guest blog pages. $40.00 / Month

Zone C  – 234×60 banner that is positioned mid way on the sidebar. This position is great for those advertisers that are budget conscious but still want to get very targeted ads to their target audience. This ad will show on every page of the site. $15.00 / Month

All ads must be hosted on our site. They will have to be approved by the site owner. Upon approval an invoice will be sent for payment through PayPal.  All links will have the “nofollow” attribute added to them.


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